Error 0x81000101 - Creation of the shared protection point timed out.

Started by James, December 13, 2017, 09:57:20 AM

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"The backup of the volume was stopped before the backup started running"

Expanded Error Description:
Failed. Creation of the shared protection point timed out. The shared protection point failed with error 0x81000101.

Reason & Resolution

This is caused by VSS taking longer than the default 10 minutes to create the required files. Updating the registry from the defaulted 10 to 20 minutes should resolve the problem.

Resolution Steps:

  • Open Registry Editor
  • Navigate to: HKLM>Software>Microsoft>WindowsNT>CurrentVersion>SPP
  • Create a new "DWORD" named CreateTimeout
  • Set the value of the new CreateTimeout DWORD to 12000000 and select the "Decimal" radio button.